How long will it take to earn my qualification?
Most programs are designed to allow the mature, motivated, working student to complete a professional program within one calendar year, or less if substantial credit has been granted. The student is urged to complete his/her program as soon as possible.
The GMA program will take a minimum of 2 years if no credit has been granted.
How much does a particular program cost?
If a student chooses the Directed Independent Study (online) mode, the tuition fee is a very low fixed fee of $900 per subject (plus GST for Australian resident students) for the CMA subjects. The GMA Conversion subjects are $500 per subject (plus GST for Australian resident students). In the case of organisation-based programs, the fees are arrived on a group-learning basis. Usually face-to-face teaching programs would cost more than internet-based programs.
What kind of credit can I receive for prior studies?
WITS gives full credit for all prior studies undertaken at accredited learning institutions. For example at the Global Business School, credit is granted for previous learning in all stages of the 4-stage GMA program [within which CAT (stage 1); RCA (stage 2); RBA (stage 3); and GMA (stage 4) reside]. No credit for prior learning is given for previous studies for the 2 CMA subjects.
What kind of online-resources available to me to study at WITS?
Once you have paid your enrolment registration fees, you will receive a username and password so that you could download all required material from the website via the Learning Management System (LMS). The CMA subjects are mostly self-contained in that all material is given (the textbook is optional). However, in the case of the GMA subjects, these may require the purchasing of a compulsory text-book.
What is the means of contact with lecturer and or peer students?
Online academic mentors are no longer available at WITS. Instead, those students wishing to have mentoring will be directed to the CMA Zoom program delivered via the Syme Business School (which is 100% owned by ICMA). Due to the flexibility of the examination structure (i.e. students can take examinations when they are ready rather than waiting for an exam period), WITS does not link up online students with others doing the program. The course is one of independent study only. If networking and joint study is preferred, then we would advise you to join one of the many face-to-face seminars offering the GMA/CMA programs from around the world or the CMA Zoom program offered by the Syme Business School.
See Accredited Providers.
What about Assessments and Transcripts?
Certified Management Accountant (CMA) grade membership is usually awarded after candidates follow the 2-subject ‘CMA certification program’ with a required attendance record, and successfully complete all examinations and other assessments required. In such cases, a Membership Certificate AND a transcript showing the assessments grades obtained in the subjects is issued to the candidate by ICMA.
If you are a qualified accountant and have over 20-years relevant experience, and if you attend and follow the CMA course via face-to-face mode or via Zoom, you be exempted from having to sit for exams (under ICMA’s 20-year rule).
Those having between 10-20 relevant experience have a choice of sitting the 2-paper exams OR writing 2,000-word assignment(s). Those undertaking the program via Face-to-Face or Zoom and having 10-20 relevant experience need to write only one assignment covering both subjects.
For CMA and GMA subjects the usual exam period is May or November. The exams can also be taken outside these scheduled times, at a mutually agreed time between WITS and the student; but and it will cost as there may be extra invigilation and exam venue costs.
Sometimes, those who have obtained CMA membership (without assessments) request a transcript for purposes of further studies or due to a request from their employers. In such cases they would need to undertake the 2-subject ‘CMA certification program’ and successfully complete all assessments. In such cases, please contact to be directed to where best to do the CMA program.
When can assessments be submitted?
Those undertaking the program in Online or in Distance Education mode, must do two assignments (one for each subject) irrespective of the years of experience.
Note that those undertaking the program in Online or in Distance Education mode must submit their assignments only after 3-months of enrolling in the CMA course, and within 6 months of enrolling.
For those undertaking the program via Face-to-Face or Zoom, there is a one-month study period after attending the course before participants are allowed to submit assignments or sit for exams. Assignments must be submitted within 3-months of completion of program.
Deferment of the assessment is permitted up to a maximum of 2-years from completing the CMA Course, if the student has been prevented from completing an assessment through illness or exceptional circumstances.
In special circumstances CMA membership is granted to senior executives and or academics without any assessments. In such cases, ONLY a Membership Certificate is issued. Transcripts are only issued to those undertaking assessments.
Once I send the enrolment form, what next?
Once you send in the enrolment form along with documentation of your previous educational transcripts and the appropriate fee, the WITS GBS will consider if you meet the prerequisite requirements for undertaking the course. If you do, your fees will be accepted and you will receive a username and password so that you could download all required material from the website. If you don’t meet the educational requirements your fees will be returned (less bank charges, if any).
Once I am enrolled, what next?
When you log in with your username and password a hidden menu item Course Aids will appear on the webpage so that you can download all required material from the website. If you are undertaking the CMA or GMA programs, the CMA subjects are self-contained in that all material is given (the textbook is optional). However, in the case of the GMA subjects, these may require the purchasing of a compulsory text-book.
When it’s time for the exam, in countries where the WITS GBS (or ICMA) does not have regular examinations, the candidate must nominate an exam supervisor and venue. The supervisor must be either a University Academic, or a Professional such as an Accountant, Lawyer or Doctor, and MUST NOT BE RELATED OR BE FRIENDS OF THE CANDIDATE OR HIS/HER FAMILY. Please note that all cost related to the above examination, including venue fees, supervisor’s time etc. must be borne by the candidate
How is the online course conducted?
Once you enrol and pay the appropriate fee, you will have access via your Student No. and Password to ALL of the material for the subject (however, if you are undertaking the GMA program, although there are over 200 pages of study materials provided for each subject, the purchase of a text book may be required). Thereafter how you study the material will be self-paced.
The course is self-paced, although it is expected that the student will sit for the exams within 4 to 6-months of the start of the course (maximum time allowed is one year). The mode of assessment is either an assignment or a written final-examination only, at a time that is mutually agreed with the student.
For CMA and GMA subjects the usual exam period is May or November, and it will cost more for ICMA students wishing to sit for exams outside these scheduled times.
What are the study materials provided?
All courses will have a Unit Guide/Course Outline and a Course Module. For the CMA subjects, there are over 1,000 pages of study material. The GMA course modules are smaller (200 pages), and may require Text-book back up.
What is the mode of assessment?
The assessment is by exam or assignment depending on the number of years of a student’s relevant business experience. Case Studies and tutorial assignments provided in the course materials should be attempted by the student and WITS will provide solutions for self-marking.
What are the requirements of the assignments?
The assignment topic is to discuss the relevancy of one or more of the areas studied in your program, and the application of such in the company the student currently works for.
The assignment must be the student’s own work.
See pointers for exams/assignments.
What is the format of examination papers?
Examples of the format for CMA an GMA subjects are on the website under “Practice Papers”.
Note: No computers. mobile phones, blue tooth or any electronic items can be taken into exam.
Where are the exams held?
In countries where the WITS (or ICMA) does not have regular examinations, the candidate must nominate an exam supervisor and venue. The supervisor must be either a University Academic, or a Professional such as an Accountant, Lawyer or Doctor, and MUST NOT BE RELATED OR BE FRIENDS OF THE CANDIDATE OR HIS/HER FAMILY. Please note that all cost related to the above examination, including venue fees, supervisor’s time etc. must be borne by the candidate.
Download ICMA exam registration form here.
How long is the duration of the course?
The course duration usually is 4 months (one semester’s duration) although this duration is flexible (3 to 6 months) and depends on the enrolment date in a subject.
ICMA expects an exam to be taken within one-year of commencing a subject.
The maximum number of subjects you will be permitted to undertake for any WITS program (including the ICMA programs) is 4 subjects per semester.
Is the exam open book?
All of the WITS Global Business School’s CMA and GMA subjects are open-book examinations.
Note: No computers. mobile phones, bluetooth or any electronic items can be taken into exam